This week I have been watching a precious 6 month old. He has definitely won my heart! But let me tell you I totally forgot the time they require. Yeah those projects I've been working on, those are on hold. It got easier each day but he kept me busy!I did brave WalMart with him and was successful. It was definitely a harder trip than usual but I got everything on the list and was even able to still use my calculator. I know ...nerd...but when your on a budget you have to know how much your spending. Anyway....after we got home he wet on me. I think he was letting me know that the trip was too long! People that say being a mom isn't a full time job are insane, and not a mom themselves. It was nice having a handsome little man around our house! I think my husband fell in love with having him here. I think he is on the mission to have one of his own. He is just too cute with babies.

Saturday he went home and I went to a Shower for one of my friends. It was super fun to be with the girls. We played several games and ate food. What more could you ask for?
Well, here is the cake! It was red velvet and delicious!

And yes, we played the toilet paper bride. Too fun!!! I must say I had some great designers!

That little guy is precious! I'm sure he loved your pool! You guys definitely need your own bebe!! Your tp dress is just gorgeous! lol! Thanks for playing along again! :) We need to get together before summer is over!