This week has been pretty relaxing. I watched another baby! That has just been a blast. I just love babies! They are so full of happiness and giggles.....well, most of the time :). I also have been working on my office. This is a major undertaking!!!! Little steps have been made but I just want to see the finished result. It will be all worth it in the end! Here is a pic of the diaster office room. See, the problem is there is no storage to store my valuable posessions. We will get there I just need to deal with a few of my issues (scrapbooking) and it will be organized and awesome!!!!

More importantly this week I attended a bible study at church. It is somehting that I have been wanting to do. So, I jumped at the opportunity to do a Beth Moore study with childcare...a must this week! It is called Breaking Free. It will reveal some things you really want to hide . But man I need that. So, it has been great!

I can NOT wait to see your "after" pics of the office! So exciting!! I love Beth Moore...I haven't heard of that one though...sounds great!